首页> 外文OA文献 >Nutrient Reserves of Lesser Scaup (\u3ci\u3eAythya affinis\u3c/i\u3e) During Spring Migration in the Mississippi Flyway: A Test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis

Nutrient Reserves of Lesser Scaup (\u3ci\u3eAythya affinis\u3c/i\u3e) During Spring Migration in the Mississippi Flyway: A Test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis




The continental scaup population (Lesser [Aythya affinis] and Greater [A. marila ] combined) has declined markedly since 1978. One hypothesis for the population decline states that reproductive success has decreased because female scaup are arriving on breeding areas in poorer body condition than they did historically (i.e. spring condition hypothesis). We tested one aspect of that hypothesis by comparing body mass and nutrient reserves (lipid, protein, and mineral) of Lesser Scaup at four locations (Louisiana, Illinois, Minnesota, and Manitoba) between the 1980s and 2000s. We found that mean body mass and lipid and mineral reserves of females were 80.0, 52.5, and 3.0 g higher, respectively, in the 2000s than in the 1980s in Louisiana; similarly, body mass and lipid and mineral reserves of males were 108.8, 72.5, and 2.5 g higher, respectively. In Illinois, mean body mass and lipid reserves of females were 88.6 and 56.5 g higher, respectively, in the 2000s than in the 1980s; similarly, body mass and lipid and mineral reserves of males were 80.6, 76.0, and 2.7 g higher, respectively. Mean body mass of females were 58.5 and 58.9 g lower in the 2000s than in the 1980s in Minnesota and Manitoba, respectively; mean body mass of males, similarly, were 40.7 g lower in Minnesota. Mean lipid reserves of females in the 2000s were 28.8 and 27.8 g lower than those in the 1980s in Minnesota and Manitoba, respectively. Mean mineral reserves of females in the 2000s were 3.2 g lower than those in the 1980s in Manitoba. Consequently, females arriving to breed in Manitoba in the 2000s had accumulated lipid reserves for 4.1 fewer eggs and mineral reserves for 0.8 fewer eggs than those arriving to breed there in the 1980s. Accordingly, our results are consistent with the spring condition hypothesis and suggest that female body condition has declined, as reflected by decreases in body mass, lipids, and mineral reserves that could cause reductions in reproductive success and ultimately a population decline.
机译:自1978年以来,大陆斑马种群(Lesser [Aythya affinis]和Greater [A. marila]的总和)显着下降。对种群减少的一种假设指出,繁殖成功率下降了,因为雌斑马鱼到达的身体条件比身体条件差。他们在历史上做过(即春季条件假说)。我们通过比较1980年代至2000年代四个地点(路易斯安那州,伊利诺伊州,明尼苏达州和曼尼托巴省)的小鳞茎的体重和营养储备(脂质,蛋白质和矿物质),检验了该假设的一个方面。我们发现,与路易斯安那州的1980年代相比,2000年代女性的平均体重,脂质和矿物质的储量分别增加了80.0、52.5和3.0克。同样,男性的体重,脂质和矿物质储备分别增加了108.8、72.5和2.5 g。在伊利诺伊州,2000年代女性的平均体重和脂质储备分别比1980年代高88.6和56.5克;同样,男性的体重,脂质和矿物质的储量分别增加了80.6、76.0和2.7 g。明尼苏达州和曼尼托巴省的女性平均体重在2000年代分别比1980年代低58.5和58.9克;同样,明尼苏达州男性的平均体重也降低了40.7克。明尼苏达州和曼尼托巴省的女性平均脂质储备在2000年代分别比1980年代低28.8和27.8克。曼尼托巴省2000年代女性的平均矿物质储量比1980年代低3.2克。因此,与1980年代到达那里繁殖的雌性相比,在2000年代到达曼尼托巴繁殖的雌性积累的脂质储备少了4.1卵,矿物质储备减少了0.8卵。因此,我们的结果与春季状况假说相符,并表明女性的身体状况有所下降,这反映在体重,脂质和矿物质储备的减少上,这可能导致生殖成功的减少,并最终导致人口减少。



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